Metamor | Innovating Weight Loss

Education Material

Paving a Path for a Healthier Louisiana

Through our partnerships, Metamor is paving the path to a healthier Louisiana. Hear from one of our patients and how we are yielding healthy dividends for our community.

Fostering Life-Changing Experiences

Bariatric surgery is a tool that gives people the chance to find the quality of life they’ve always wanted. Here are a few of the faces behind the stories sharing what surgery has meant to them.

What To Expect, Every Step of the Way

Our nurses, bariatric surgeons, and other staff members walk with you through each step — from the first consultation to recovery and beyond. With our team, you’ll always have care on your side.

Meet Vince Lagattuta - Weight Loss Surgery Patient

Vince struggled with obesity for years. Dr. Karl LeBlanc with Metamor offered him a solution that would give him a healthier, more fulfilling life. Now, Vince competes in Iron Man competitions.

Meet Terence Williams, Weight Loss Surgery Patient Before

Terence suffered with obesity for years until he met Dr. Mark Hausmann at Metamor. Together, they came up with a plan to get Terence in better health and off his medications.

Meet Terence Williams, Weight Loss Surgery Patient After

After receiving weight loss surgery at Metamor, Terence is leading a happier, healthier life. He is continuing to lose weight and able to do more things and spend more quality time with his family.

Meet Jamie Brown - Weight Loss Surgery Patient

Jamie Brown suffered with obesity for years. She was introduced to Dr. Brent Allain at Metamor and together they came up with a plan to address her health concerns. Jamie weight loss surgery was successful and she is happy to now live the life she deserves.