Metamor | Innovating Weight Loss

Surgery for Diabetes

You know that type 2 diabetes is a serious disease. But, you might not know that weight loss (metabolic) surgery:

  • Is the only treatment for diabetes that for nearly all cases results in major improvement or complete remission of diabetes;
  • Has been endorsed by the American Diabetes Association and many other diabetes organizations as a very important treatment option; and,
  • Weight loss surgery can be most effective for treating diabetes when it is first diagnosed or in early stages.

“With only a 1-2 days stay in the hospital and return to work in 2 weeks, metabolic surgery is a relatively low risk procedure, like gallbladder surgery, and can put type 2 diabetes into complete remission or major improvement allowing reduction or elimination of diabetes medications, including insulin” – Dr. Phil Schauer

Living With Type 2 Diabetes

No matter where you are on your diabetes journey, we want to talk with you about your quality of life and what you would like to see change. We know taking medications can be challenging, expensive and raise other issues. And for those who need to make the transition to insulin treatment, many feel anxiety by having to do injections and can get overwhelmed by the disruption to their daily routine.

Burden of Diabetes:

Benefits of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery

We look forward to speaking with you about your specific situation and creating a treatment program that's best for you given your condition and what is important to you. This may include lifestyle modifications, medications, and surgery, of which there are several options.

For most, life after bariatric and metabolic surgery has many benefits, including:


How does surgery affect the lives of real people? Here is Lisa Schaffer, a real patient with real results. See the difference it made in her life for yourself.

Lisa Shaffer 2009

Lisa Shaffer 2019

Dr. Schauer and Lisa Shaffer, 10 years after Gastric Bypass and complete remission of diabetes.

Lisa's Metabolic Surgery Score Card: Long-Lasting “Cure” of Obesity/Diabetes

Opponent Win/loss
Obesity Win
Diabetes Win
High Blood Pressure Win
HighCholesterol Win
Sleep Apnea Win
Depression Win
Too Many Medications Win

Request a Consultation

For patients, our team provides expert care for metabolic conditions, helping you take control of your health with personalized treatment plans.

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Make a Referral

For providers, refer your patients with confidence to our specialists for comprehensive metabolic care and ongoing support tailored to their needs.

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